Whether you're starting from scratch or migrating in existing projects, the day you begin to use Projecis is the day you change the way you do business for the better.
Every note, chart, schedule, message, or call you ever make on Projecis is tucked away, waiting for the day you need it.
Thanks to our leading edge integrated software platform, you can create the ultimate archive for your business; thanks to our dynamic search tool, your archive is immediately at your fingertips.
Even new team members can get up to speed quickly, using well organized data and knowledge threads.
This is your gateway to better management.
Once you begin typing, it can become a file, a message, a meeting, a recorded VoIP call, a news blast, a Gantt chart—whatever you need it to be, with just a few clicks.
That's how simple—yet complex—Projecis is.
From internal to external project and management needs, we'll get you where you want to be.
Projecis provides highly configurable access down to a single user or document.
Management, communication, calendaring, scheduling, and more: all at once, all in the same place, all secured by you.